domingo, 16 de diciembre de 2012

Christmas: "Belenes".

Hello everybody, today I am going to talk about a very old tradition in our country, the "belenes". I am going to explain and to let you know the different types of "belenes" that you can find around Spain.

Around Spain you can see different types of "belenes", one of them is the traditional one composed by figures  and this is the one that the people put in their respective houses. The main figures are: The baby Jesus, the virgin Mary and José but there are also a lot of more figures in a belen. Almost all of the families have one belen in their houses at christmas.

The other type of "belen" is the living belen and it is made of humans that wear specific dresses. There are carpenters, peasants, and quite a lot more. It is very nice to go and see living belenes in different types of places. It has been always a very old tradition in our country.

In conclusion, I think that it will be a very good experience for all of you and you will know how we celebrate and decorate houses  in christmas and the traditions that  we have so merry christmas!

note: this wednesday you will have in my blog different images of the best beelines of Seville.

domingo, 2 de diciembre de 2012


This project consisted on on making or trying to make a scary movie with our classmates. In the few days of making and editing the film I have learnt a lot of new things on how to edit and make a good film, but we also had some specific problems.

During the filming and before of the filming we had some problems, one of them was that at first we could not meet all together but lately we agreed on a day in which we could meet all of us together. We also had some other little problems related with the sound and the quality of the image.

Thanks to this project I have learnt a lot of new different things like how to use a computer program for making films called iMovie. I´ve also learnt new english vocabulary and expressions and how to work well in group because we have always agreed on everything.

In conclusion, I think that with this project I have learnt a lot of new things and how to solve problems too. In my opinion I think that we should do these kind of things frequently.

here are the links of the trailer and film

lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2012


In this letter I would like to say thanks to three things that I consider very important: my family, to say thanks for being healthy and for having house & food. I think that without these three things I would not how to live a normal life.

Firstly, in my opinion I think that is very important to have a great family and my family and friends have been always very nice and they have helped me in my most difficult situations, so I want to say thanks to them for being always there.

Secondly, I think that the most important one is our health, because without it we would not be alive. I want to say thanks for being me and all of my family and friends healthy at this moment and I hope that this continue like this.

Finally, I think that having a house to live in and food to eat is very important because nowadays a lot of people do not have a house to live in due to the economic crisis and they also have to ask for some food to some different ONG, So I thanksgod that I have these important things.

In conclusion, I want to say thanks agains for having all of these three things, which are very important for me,  and I hope that this continues like this in the future.

lunes, 4 de junio de 2012


I have interviewed my cousin who has been a tennis player. Here are some questions I asked him.

1. Why did you start playing tennis? Because since I was 5 years old I liked tennis and then when I was 7 years old I started watching tennis matches so I decided to start playing tennis.

2. How many championships have you won? Well, I think I have won 3 championships, one I won it in Malaga, another one in Cadiz and the last one I won in with the regional team of Seville in Almeria.

3. What do you prefer eating sushi or pasta? Well, I like both but I think I prefer eating sushi because It is more exotic and i have always liked Japanese food.

4. Is your relationship with your parents good? Yes, it is.

5. What was your most embarrassing moment in your career? Well, let me think, in my opinion I think it was when I had to play a match at 11:00 and I fell asleep and when I arrived everybody was watching me with stranges faces.

martes, 29 de mayo de 2012

Sport  Profile: Basketball.

Basketball is an sport which two teams compete against. Each team is composed by 5 players and their function is to try to score usually a brown ball into a basket. You can only play with your hands.

Basketball was invented by a physical education teacher in 1981, in Massachusetts, USA. This physical education teacher was told by his school to invent a new sport  to play in winter because it was very cold. Obviously it has to be played under a ceiling. He thought to invent an sport in which there was not so much contact and he wanted that basketball players needed more skill than strength. Since this time basketball has been developing successfully and now is one of most popular sports.

The most important basketball competitions are: NBA, National Basketball Association, that is a league where the best North American`s teams compete. Another important competition is euroleague, which is a competitions where best basketball`s teams of Europe compete to win the trophy and is the most important competition in Europe. The most important basketball competitions are the world cup, where best national teams compete and the Olympic games, which is every 4 years.

miércoles, 14 de marzo de 2012

Cooking Experience.

First of all, I think this project has been a very interesting thing because we havce learned a lot of things about healthy habits from another countries. It has been also a way of socialising with other classmates we had never work with. It was also funny cooking things you had never cooked before, but there were also some little problems cooking them.

During the process of cooking the Russian dessert called Kremsils, we had some problems.For example, we met for cooking the Kremsils and we hadn´t so many time and everytime I had to say something I start laughing but it was not a big problem.Another problem is that we left the kitchen a bit dirty and we changed everything of place. There was another problem, when we were going to show the video to the class, we couldn´t see it very well because there were some technic problems.

The problem I mentioned that It was a  problem wasn´t very serious because we had fun with our friends and We had a very good time everytime we had to say something and we start laughing.

I think it has been a very interesting project because we have learned a lot of things of different countries but especially we´ve learned how to cook something we had never cooked before and because we had a very good time with classmates during the cooking process.

martes, 24 de enero de 2012

1000 Cranes For Peace.

Why do people discrimate others for their skin colour?

For a long time people have been discriminating others because of their skin colour or because of their race. This is a problem that happens because all the humans are the same and all human can have the same oportunities  than others. One of the most important example was in the United States of America because some time ago they considered that black people weren´t allowed to do some things that white colour person could do. Definitely some black people were like slaves. For example a black person couldn´t have a good job while a white person that maybe was less intelligent than the black person could get the job. Nowadays at the USA the problem is quite solved but there are still some people who are racist. This happened obviously in other countries. The people who is racist think that people with other skin colour or race are different but we are all the same.

Here there is a song against the racism. I hope you enjoy it!

lunes, 23 de enero de 2012

Sadako Sasaki.

Javier Marcos Cogo 3ºB.
Sadako Sasaki.

.La historia que les voy a contar es estremecedora y ha sucedido en la realidad, es la siguiente:
Sadako Sasaki era una niña japonesa de 2 años de edad que habitaba en la ciudad de Hiroshima. El 6 de Agosto de 1945(segunda guerra mundial) Estados Unidos atacó a Hiroshima lanzando una bomba atómica a la ciudad. Murieron decenas de miles de personas y la ciudad quedó completamente destruida. Sadako fue una de las personas que sobrevivió al ataque estadounidense pero 10 años después le detectaron una leucemia a causa de la radioactividad de la bomba atómica. El 21 de Febrero de 1955 la hospitalizaron y ya sólo le quedaba un año de vida. Sadako comenzó a hacer grullas de papel porque si llegas a hacer 1000 grullas puedes pedir un deseo a los dioses según una leyenda y su único deseo fue el de salvarse. Sadako comenzó a recaudar papeles de los regalos de los pacientes y hasta sus amigos le traían papel del colegio. Al final de su vida sólo pudo llegar a hacer 644 grullas de papel y murió a los 12 años de edad. Sus amigos terminaron las grullas de papel y llegaron a hacer 1000. Hoy en día hay una estatua de Sadako con alrededor muchísimas grullas de papel.

Sadako Sasaki.

Javier Marcos Cogo 3ºB.
Sadako Sasaki.

.La historia que les voy a contar es estremecedora y ha sucedido en la realidad, es la siguiente:
Sadako Sasaki era una niña japonesa de 2 años de edad que habitaba en la ciudad de Hiroshima. El 6 de Agosto de 1945(segunda guerra mundial) Estados Unidos atacó a Hiroshima lanzando una bomba atómica a la ciudad. Murieron decenas de miles de personas y la ciudad quedó completamente destruida. Sadako fue una de las personas que sobrevivió al ataque estadounidense pero 10 años después le detectaron una leucemia a causa de la radioactividad de la bomba atómica. El 21 de Febrero de 1955 la hospitalizaron y ya sólo le quedaba un año de vida. Sadako comenzó a hacer grullas de papel porque si llegas a hacer 1000 grullas puedes pedir un deseo a los dioses según una leyenda y su único deseo fue el de salvarse. Sadako comenzó a recaudar papeles de los regalos de los pacientes y hasta sus amigos le traían papel del colegio. Al final de su vida sólo pudo llegar a hacer 644 grullas de papel y murió a los 12 años de edad. Sus amigos terminaron las grullas de papel y llegaron a hacer 1000. Hoy en día hay una estatua de Sadako con alrededor muchísimas grullas de papel.