miércoles, 14 de marzo de 2012

Cooking Experience.

First of all, I think this project has been a very interesting thing because we havce learned a lot of things about healthy habits from another countries. It has been also a way of socialising with other classmates we had never work with. It was also funny cooking things you had never cooked before, but there were also some little problems cooking them.

During the process of cooking the Russian dessert called Kremsils, we had some problems.For example, we met for cooking the Kremsils and we hadn´t so many time and everytime I had to say something I start laughing but it was not a big problem.Another problem is that we left the kitchen a bit dirty and we changed everything of place. There was another problem, when we were going to show the video to the class, we couldn´t see it very well because there were some technic problems.

The problem I mentioned that It was a  problem wasn´t very serious because we had fun with our friends and We had a very good time everytime we had to say something and we start laughing.

I think it has been a very interesting project because we have learned a lot of things of different countries but especially we´ve learned how to cook something we had never cooked before and because we had a very good time with classmates during the cooking process.