lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2012


In this letter I would like to say thanks to three things that I consider very important: my family, to say thanks for being healthy and for having house & food. I think that without these three things I would not how to live a normal life.

Firstly, in my opinion I think that is very important to have a great family and my family and friends have been always very nice and they have helped me in my most difficult situations, so I want to say thanks to them for being always there.

Secondly, I think that the most important one is our health, because without it we would not be alive. I want to say thanks for being me and all of my family and friends healthy at this moment and I hope that this continue like this.

Finally, I think that having a house to live in and food to eat is very important because nowadays a lot of people do not have a house to live in due to the economic crisis and they also have to ask for some food to some different ONG, So I thanksgod that I have these important things.

In conclusion, I want to say thanks agains for having all of these three things, which are very important for me,  and I hope that this continues like this in the future.