domingo, 16 de diciembre de 2012

Christmas: "Belenes".

Hello everybody, today I am going to talk about a very old tradition in our country, the "belenes". I am going to explain and to let you know the different types of "belenes" that you can find around Spain.

Around Spain you can see different types of "belenes", one of them is the traditional one composed by figures  and this is the one that the people put in their respective houses. The main figures are: The baby Jesus, the virgin Mary and José but there are also a lot of more figures in a belen. Almost all of the families have one belen in their houses at christmas.

The other type of "belen" is the living belen and it is made of humans that wear specific dresses. There are carpenters, peasants, and quite a lot more. It is very nice to go and see living belenes in different types of places. It has been always a very old tradition in our country.

In conclusion, I think that it will be a very good experience for all of you and you will know how we celebrate and decorate houses  in christmas and the traditions that  we have so merry christmas!

note: this wednesday you will have in my blog different images of the best beelines of Seville.

domingo, 2 de diciembre de 2012


This project consisted on on making or trying to make a scary movie with our classmates. In the few days of making and editing the film I have learnt a lot of new things on how to edit and make a good film, but we also had some specific problems.

During the filming and before of the filming we had some problems, one of them was that at first we could not meet all together but lately we agreed on a day in which we could meet all of us together. We also had some other little problems related with the sound and the quality of the image.

Thanks to this project I have learnt a lot of new different things like how to use a computer program for making films called iMovie. I´ve also learnt new english vocabulary and expressions and how to work well in group because we have always agreed on everything.

In conclusion, I think that with this project I have learnt a lot of new things and how to solve problems too. In my opinion I think that we should do these kind of things frequently.

here are the links of the trailer and film