martes, 8 de noviembre de 2011


1 comentario:

  1. Hello, this is Michael. Not that many spelling mistakes but you had some grammar errors. Here are some of the problems.

    Slide 2:
    Change the last sentence to: It´s important to warm up because it helps you to avoid injuries, get better results and increase your force and speed.

    Slide 4:
    The joint mobility consists ´´of a series´´ of movements...
    ...the activities you are going to do ´´afterwards.´´

    Slide 6:
    I don´t understand the first sentence, you may want to reword it.
    Change the second sentence to: It´s important to do it because it warms you up and there is a smaller chance of receiving an injury.

    Slide 7:
    Some games for ´´a´´ warm up can be:
    ...of the middle to the other without ´´being caught.´´
    ...and when ´´there´´ are 4 people...
